What States Require Mandatory Vaccination?

needle and vaccine vial

In the pre-COVID-19 era, most Americans barely thought twice about the prospect of mandatory vaccination for their kids to enroll in school. It was simply what most of us did with the understanding that plagues and pandemics were a thing of the past.

Why Doesn’t the US Have Universal Healthcare?

Photo of stethoscope, pills, glasses, and medical chart

Unlike most other developed countries, the United States does not provide universal health care to its citizens. While a lot of medical care is paid for by the federal government, many people still do not have health coverage.

Key Reasons for the High Cost of Healthcare in the US

High cost, healthcare, US.

What makes US healthcare so expensive? US healthcare is far more expensive than other progressive nations. Today, millions of Americans are getting overburdened by ever-growing insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, making it more challenging for many to seek quality medical care. The amount the country spends on healthcare per person dwarfs other advanced nations. And […]