Name Your U.S. Representative

Drone photo of a city block

The U.S. House of Representatives is composed of 435 voting members and six non-voting members. Each member represents the people within their congressional district. Because of the sheer number of representatives and the ever-changing borders of the districts, each individual’s representative varies drastically.

Who Does a U.S. Senator Represent?

Man answer journalist questions

Today, a United States Senator represents everyone in their state. But that was not always the case. Rather, this representation is a result of the 17th Amendment. Before the ratification of the 17th Amendment, United States Senators only represented the state government who appointed them to their position.

When Must All Men Register for the Selective Service?

US soldier

To pass the US citizenship test, you will have to answer 10 of a possible 100 questions. The following question is from the USCIS test. When must all men register for the Selective Service? Acceptable Answers: at age eighteen (18) between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26)  The following is a full explanation of the USCIS […]

We Elect a U.S. Representative for How Many Years?

I voted stickers.

Both representatives and delegates serve two-year terms in the United States Congress. State congressional elections are held every two years, on even-numbered years, roughly 1/3 of the 435 seats are up for reelection at a time. The term for each representative then begins on January 3, the year following the election.

Who Is the Chief Justice of the United States Now?

Chief Justice Earl Warren

John Roberts is the current Chief Justice of the United States. He began his tenure as the Chief Justice in 2005 and is the seventeenth person to operate as the Chief Justice since the formation of the United States Supreme Court in 1789.

Who Makes Federal Laws?

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The United States is composed of three branches of government. While the judicial branch interprets federal law and the executive branch enforces the law, it is the legislative branch that is responsible for making federal laws.