All about the State of South Dakota

A green sign.

From its rolling hills and mountains to its diverse wildlife, there’s something for everyone in South Dakota.

South Dakota’s Natural Beauty

The state of South Dakota is unbelievably vast and breathtakingly beautiful. Its rugged terrain stretches on for miles, with rolling hills and majestic mountain peaks as far as the eye can see.

The western part of the state is home to Badlands National Park, a unique landscape that has been shaped by wind, rain, and time over millions of years.

To the east lies Custer State Park, where you’ll find some of America’s most spectacular wildlife – including bison, antelope, deer, elk, and wild horses.

This area also boasts stunning views of Black Hills National Forest. With its wide open spaces and incredible landscapes, it’s easy to understand why so many people flock to South Dakota every year!

The Climate of South Dakota

Sitting just west of the Missouri River, South Dakota is known for its wide range of climates. From humid continental in the east to semi-arid steppe in the west, this state experiences a variety of temperatures and precipitation levels throughout the year.

In short, no two places are ever quite alike when it comes to weather here!

Average Temperatures

In most parts of South Dakota, summers are warm with average temperatures ranging from 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit (24-29 Celsius). Winters tend to be cold and dry with daytime highs usually averaging around 20°F (-6°C) during January.


Precipitation follows a similar pattern across much of the state:

The highest amounts occur in the summer months while winter sees considerably less rainfall or snowfall. This can cause some areas to become very dry during these seasons.

The Black Hills Region

The Black Hills region stands out as an exception due to its higher elevation and more moderate climate throughout all four seasons. Average daily temperature ranges vary between 40°F (4°C) in January up to 70°F (21°C) in July making this area ideal for outdoor activities year round.

The hills also receive significantly more rain than other parts of South Dakota; typically over 18 inches per year compared to 12-14 inches seen elsewhere in the state.

Here’s a table summarizing the average temperatures and precipitation levels in the state:

 Average TemperatureAverage Precipitation
Summer75-85°F (24-29°C)High
Winter20°F (-6°C)Low

And a list of popular outdoor activities in South Dakota:

  • Hiking
  • Fishing
  • Sightseeing
  • Camping
  • Wildlife Viewing


Overview of South Dakota’s Population

South Dakota is a state bursting with life! Home to an estimated 897,934 people in 2020, the population of South Dakota has steadily grown over the years.

Approximately 77% of residents are white, 9.4% American Indian and Alaskan Native, 5.3 % Black or African American, and 6.7% Hispanic or Latino origin.

South Dakota’s Largest Cities

The largest city in South Dakota is Sioux Falls, which had a population of 183,200 as of 2019 estimates. Rapid City follows closely behind at 74,000 residents.

Age Distribution in South Dakota

The median age for South Dakota is 38 years old according to 2018 facts from the U.S Census Bureau. Most citizens are vbetween 18-65 years old.

Labor Force and Unemployment Rates

Most of these individuals make up South Dakota’s labor force – supporting various industries throughout the region while helping fuel economic growth within the state. In fact, unemployment rates remain relatively low compared to other parts of America – currently sitting around 3%.

South Dakota’s Population Growth and Diversity

Without its people working together towards progress, oftentimes against all odds – our beautiful home wouldn’t be where it’s at today!

Race / EthnicityPercentage
American Indian and Alaskan Native9.4%
Black or African American5.3%
Hispanic or Latino origin6.7%


South Dakota has a population of 884,659 people as of 2019. It is the fifth least populous state in the US and it has an area of 77,116 square miles. 

  1. As of July 2018, the racial makeup was 92% white, 4.8% American Indian or Alaska Native, 1.2% Black or African American, 0.7% Asian, 0.3% from other races, and 2.0% two or more races.
  2. The median age for South Dakotans is 37 years old with 16 percent aged 65 or older and 25 percent under 18 years old
  3. Over half (53%) are married while 31 percent have never been married & 11 percent are divorced
  4. Approximately 87% speak English exclusively while 6% speak Spanish as their primary language

The majority of South Dakota residents identify themselves as Christian (73%), followed by those who report no religious affiliation (21%). Education levels vary slightly with 24 percent having achieved some form of a college degree compared to 20 percent nationwide.

South Dakota also has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation at 3%. This is well below the national average which currently sits around 5%. Wage growth has seen steady increases over time making it an attractive job market for many seeking employment.

Overall, South Dakota offers a relatively low cost of living when compared to most states across the country making it ideal for retirees looking for affordable living options without sacrificing quality lifestyle amenities such as access to healthcare facilities restaurants, and entertainment venues.

With its diverse culture and vibrant economy this midwestern state provides plenty of opportunities for individuals from all walks of life.

South Dakota’s Strong and Growing Economy

South Dakota’s economy is thriving, boasting a low unemployment rate of 3.2% which ranks in the top ten nationally, and a job growth rate of 2.1%, indicating economic stability and good prospects for future prosperity.

Agriculture remains a major industry in South Dakota, employing over 30,000 people across all sectors including farming, ranching and food manufacturing. In addition to agriculture, tourism plays an important role in the economy by bringing hundreds of thousands of visitors to the region every year.

Agriculture and Tourism as Key Industries

Businesses associated with tourism support many jobs throughout the state as well as providing tax revenue for government services and infrastructure projects. The state’s unique natural beauty and recreational opportunities make it an attractive destination for visitors from all over the world.

Affordable Cost of Living

South Dakota’s low cost of living makes it an attractive destination for residents and businesses alike. This helps keep taxes relatively low while still ensuring that citizens have access to quality services like education, healthcare, transportation and public safety programs.

Overall, South Dakota is one of the best places in America to live and work, offering economic stability, diverse job opportunities, and an affordable cost of living.

Key Statistics

Unemployment rateJob growth rate

Top Industries

  1. Agriculture
  2. Tourism

Quality of Life

  • Affordable cost of living
  • Access to quality services
  • Natural beauty and recreational opportunities

Agriculture in South Dakota

South Dakota is a major agricultural state, with farming accounting for more than half of its total land area. It’s the fifth-largest producer of wheat in the U.S., and it’s also one of the leading producers of oats, barley, corn, sorghum, soybeans and sunflowers.

Dairy production is an important part of South Dakota agriculture; it ranks tenth nationally in milk production. The beef industry is another significant contributor to the economy; cattle are raised on most farms and ranches across the state. Other livestock include hogs, sheep and poultry.

Crops in South Dakota

In addition to animal products, South Dakotans produce a variety of crops such as hay, flaxseed, honey, potatoes and sugar beets. Vegetables like beans and sweet corn are grown throughout much of the state both for local consumption and export markets. Fruit production includes apples, melons and grapes used mainly for juice or wine production.

Importance of Agriculture in South Dakota’s Economy

The agricultural sector plays a critical role in South Dakota’s economy; according to recent estimates from the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS), farm cash receipts account for approximately $6 billion annually – that’s about 7 percent of all economic activity in the state!

Challenges Faced by South Dakota Farmers

Farm families face numerous challenges including fluctuating market prices, rising input costs and limited access to capital but remain resilient despite these obstacles. With support from federal commodity programs combined with public policies designed to promote innovation within this vital sector, South Dakota’s agribusinesses continue to thrive.

Diversification of Farming Operations

Many farmers have diversified their operations by selling specialty crops at roadside stands or direct marketing them through farmers’ markets or community-supported agriculture programs (CSAs). This not only helps to generate additional income but also promotes sustainability and provides consumers with access to fresh, locally-grown produce.

List of Livestock and Crops Produced in South Dakota

Here’s a table summarizing the livestock and crops produced in South Dakota:

 Sugar Beets
 Sweet Corn

As shown in the table, South Dakota produces a wide range of crops and livestock.

Education System

Coincidentally, South Dakota is home to one of the best education systems in the country. Through a combination of public and private schools, students are given access to quality educational opportunities throughout their learning journey.

From pre-K to college preparation programs, South Dakota’s focus on educating its youth has been noted as a successful system by many.

In order to further showcase this success, here is an overview of South Dakota’s education system:

Pre-Kindergarten EducationK-12 EducationPostsecondary Education
Public Schools Available531 School Districts6 Universities & Colleges
Early Learning Programs85% Graduation Rate14 Technical Institutes
Supportive ServicesHigh SAT/ACT Scores71 Career & Technology Centers

As seen above, there is no shortage of educational resources available for young people in South Dakota. The state offers numerous options for those looking to pursue higher education after graduating from high school or for those wanting to receive additional training prior to entering the workforce.

With so many different choices, it is easy to see why South Dakotans have such a passion for learning and why they continue striving toward excellence in all areas of academics.

The advantages provided by these educational institutions are clear – both inside and outside the classroom. Not only do students gain knowledge that can be applied later in life but they also learn important skills like problem-solving and critical thinking which will help them succeed professionally and personally.

Furthermore, South Dakota provides financial assistance programs specifically designed to make postsecondary education accessible regardless of economic background or income level. This commitment ensures that every student receives equal opportunity when pursuing their dreams.

Taxes And Regulations

South Dakota is known for being a business-friendly state, and that rings true when it comes to taxes and regulations.

For starters, the corporate income tax rate in South Dakota is 0%. This makes it an attractive option for businesses looking to set up shop in the region. Additionally, there are no personal property or inventory taxes imposed by the state.

Furthermore, all sales of tangible goods within the state are subject to a 4% sales tax rate.

On top of these favorable taxation policies, businesses also benefit from a straightforward regulatory system:

  • Businesses must obtain a license prior to conducting operations in most industries. The licensing process can be completed online with relative ease.
  • Most permits require applications to be submitted directly to local government offices before they can be approved. It’s important to note that some permits may have additional requirements depending on the industry or type of business involved.
  • Employers must ensure their staff members receive at least minimum wage as mandated by federal laws and regulations governing overtime pay, vacation time, etc.
  • There are certain types of insurance employers need to provide for their employees such as workers’ compensation and unemployment benefits coverage.
  • Companies operating in South Dakota must adhere to applicable environmental regulations administered by both state and federal agencies. These include standards related to air quality control, water pollution prevention, hazardous waste management, and more.

In summary, South Dakota offers its residents and businesses many advantages due to its low taxes and straightforward regulatory environment which helps spur economic growth throughout the state.

Natural Resources

As we move away from the taxes and regulations of South Dakota, we find ourselves surrounded by abundant natural resources. South Dakota is home to a variety of landscapes that offer an array of opportunities for outdoor recreation and resource management.

From wide open prairies to pristine lakes, rivers, and streams; these diverse areas are what make South Dakota so unique.

GrasslandsCentral & Western SDAbundant grassy meadows, rolling hills
ForestsBlack HillsSpruce-fir forests
RiversMissouri RiverThe longest river in North America
LakesLake Oahe & Sharpe LakeTwo large man-made reservoirs

Governmental Structure

South Dakota is a state with a republican form of government. It has three branches; the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.

The Three Branches of South Dakota’s Government

The Legislature is composed of two chambers: the Senate and House of Representatives. There are 35 senators and 70 representatives elected to serve up to four years in their respective offices.

The Governor, as head of the executive branch, is responsible for carrying out laws enacted by the legislature. He appoints officers such as judges and cabinet members while also having veto power over legislative bills he doesn’t agree with.

Finally, there’s the judicial system which interprets laws and settles disputes between citizens or organizations. This includes both trial courts that handle criminal cases, civil cases involving lawsuits against people or businesses, and appellate courts that review decisions from lower court proceedings.

South Dakota prides itself on its balanced governmental structure designed to ensure fair representation among all citizens.

Culture And Arts

South Dakota is home to a vibrant culture and arts scene.

Festivals and Events in South Dakota

From the Sioux Falls Jazz Festival to Rapid City’s annual Summer Nights street festival, there are plenty of opportunities for locals and visitors alike to enjoy music, art, theatre, dance, and more.

Museums in South Dakota

The state is also home to numerous museums that offer insight into South Dakota’s unique history. Notable destinations include:

The National Music MuseumVermillion
The Journey Museum & Learning CenterRapid City
The Adams Museum & HouseDeadwood
Pettigrew Home & MuseumSioux Falls

Performing Companies in South Dakota

Additionally, South Dakota has several professional performing companies like the Black Hills Playhouse in Custer State Park; the Washington Pavilion Arts & Science Centre in Sioux Falls; or the Orpheum Theater Center in Sioux Falls.

Community theaters across the state produce plays all year long within their own communities as well.

Outdoor Recreation in South Dakota

Time stands still in South Dakota, where the vast prairies of this Midwestern state provide ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. From hunting to fishing and from camping to boating, the possibilities are endless for those looking to get out into nature. With its wide-open spaces and abundant wildlife, South Dakota offers many options for sports enthusiasts.

Exploring South Dakota’s Recreational Areas

The Badlands National Park is a great place for hiking and backpacking – as well as spotting some amazing wildlife such as bison, elk, pronghorn antelope, coyotes and even black-footed ferrets.

In addition to the national park, there are numerous other recreational areas located across the state including Lake Oahe Recreation Area near Pierre and Lewis & Clark State Park near Yankton. Here you can find activities like swimming and canoeing on pristine lakes or rivers while taking in beautiful views of rolling hillsides or rocky cliffs.

Sports in South Dakota

South Dakotans have long been passionate supporters of all kinds of athletics, both collegiate and professional. The University of South Dakota Coyotes have won multiple NCAA championships in football, basketball and track & field over the past decade.

Meanwhile, professional teams like Sioux Falls Skyforce (basketball) and Sioux City Explorers (baseball) draw large crowds every year with their exciting games at various venues around the state.

Outdoor Activities for the Adventurous

For the more adventurous types, there is also plenty of rock climbing and mountain biking available throughout the state. With its wide-open spaces and abundant wildlife, South Dakota offers many options for sports enthusiasts.

List of Recreational Areas

  • Badlands National Park
  • Lake Oahe Recreation Area
  • Lewis & Clark State Park

Sports Teams in South Dakota

  • University of South Dakota Coyotes (football, basketball, and track & field)
  • Sioux Falls Skyforce (basketball)
  • Sioux City Explorers (baseball)

No matter what sport you’re interested in exploring – from golf courses to marathons – there’s sure to be something that fits your interests here in South Dakota!

Transportation Network

South Dakota’s Transportation Infrastructure

South Dakota’s transportation network is vital to its citizens, businesses, and visitors. The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is responsible for maintaining the state’s highways, bridges, and roadways, as well as public transit systems.

SDDOT works to keep these roads in good condition by implementing regular maintenance procedures and repairs when needed. In addition, South Dakota has many biking trails and pedestrian paths that provide alternative modes of transportation.

Importance of South Dakota’s Transportation Network

South Dakota’s comprehensive transportation system supports economic growth all over the state. It ensures citizens can get from place to place quickly and efficiently, allowing goods and services to move freely between towns and cities within the region.

Historical Sites

Iconic Landmarks in South Dakota

South Dakota is home to some of the most iconic and significant pieces of American history. Mount Rushmore National Memorial, completed in 1941 by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his son Lincoln, features 60-foot sculptures depicting four U.S. presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. The memorial attracts over two million visitors each year from around the world.

Commemorating Native American Contributions

Crazy Horse Memorial, located 8 miles south of Mt Rushmore, is a monument to honor Native Americans who have made significant contributions to their tribes and to the United States during World War II. The memorial features a massive sculpture of the famed Lakota warrior, Crazy Horse, who played a crucial role in the resistance against the US government’s efforts to remove Native Americans from their land.

This historic site also offers visitors the chance to learn more about the customs, traditions, and history of Native American culture. Other important historical sites in South Dakota, such as Fort Sisseton State Historic Park, Wind Cave National Park, Badlands National Park, and Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort, provide a deeper understanding of the state’s rich and diverse history.

Exploring Historical Sites in South Dakota

Fort Sisseton State Historic Park, located in the northeastern part of the state, offers a glimpse into life on the prairie during the late 1800s. Visitors can tour the restored fort buildings and learn about the history of the US Army’s presence in the region.

Wind Cave National Park, one of the oldest national parks in the country, is home to an extensive cave system that features unique and intricate rock formations. Visitors can also explore the park’s vast prairies, hike scenic trails, and spot wildlife such as bison, elk, and pronghorns.

Badlands National Park, located in southwestern South Dakota, is known for its striking rock formations, canyons, and spires that were formed over millions of years. Visitors can hike scenic trails, observe wildlife, and learn about the park’s fascinating geological history.

Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort, located in the historic mining town of Deadwood, offers visitors the chance to experience the Old West while enjoying modern amenities such as gaming, dining, and entertainment.

Overall, South Dakota’s rich history and cultural heritage are well-preserved and celebrated at these important historical sites and monuments, providing visitors with a deeper appreciation and understanding of this great state.

Historical SitesLocation
Crazy Horse Memorial8 miles south of Mt Rushmore
Fort Sisseton State Historic ParkNortheastern South Dakota
Wind Cave National ParkSouthern Black Hills
Badlands National ParkSouthwestern South Dakota
Deadwood Gulch Gaming ResortDeadwood, South Dakota

Here’s a list of some of the public transit systems in South Dakota:

  • Sioux Area Metro (SAM) in Sioux Falls
  • Rapid Transit System in Rapid City
  • River Cities Public Transit in Pierre
  • Aberdeen Ride Line in Aberdeen

And here’s a list of some of the popular biking trails in South Dakota:

  • George S. Mickelson Trail
  • Centennial Trail
  • Badlands Loop Road
  • Black Hills National Forest Bike Trail

Tourism Opportunities

South Dakota offers a variety of outdoor adventures for visitors, including the breathtaking Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, and Wind Cave National Park. Visitors can also explore the Black Hills and visit the famous Mount Rushmore monument.

For those interested in cultural events and history, The Journey Museum & Learning Center in Rapid City offers an immersive experience of South Dakota’s past. Additionally, several Native American reservations in the state provide unique insights into the region’s rich cultural heritage.

Outdoor Adventures

South Dakota’s stunning natural beauty provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. Visitors can explore the Badlands National Park, which features unique rock formations and fossil beds or hike through Custer State Park, which boasts over 71,000 acres of wilderness.

National ParksLocation
Badlands National Parksouthwestern South Dakota
Custer State ParkBlack Hills
Wind Cave National ParkBlack Hills

Cultural and Historical Sites

South Dakota’s rich history and diverse culture are showcased in various museums and historical sites throughout the state. The Journey Museum & Learning Center in Rapid City offers a comprehensive look at the region’s past, while several Native American reservations provide unique cultural experiences.

The Journey Museum & Learning CenterRapid City
Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF)Lead
Mammoth Site of Hot SpringsHot Springs

Indoor Entertainment

South Dakota also offers plenty of entertainment options for visitors who prefer indoor activities. The Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead provides a unique underground experience, while the Mammoth Site of Hot Springs allows visitors to learn about prehistoric animals that once roamed the area. Several casinos in the state offer gaming options for visitors who want to try their luck.

Deadwood Mountain GrandDeadwood
Royal River Casino & HotelFlandreau
Dakota Sioux Casino & HotelWatertown

No matter what kind of traveler you are, South Dakota has something special to offer. Whether you’re interested in scenic landscapes, historic monuments, or cultural experiences, the state is sure to leave an impression on everyone who visits.

South Dakota: A Diverse State with Plenty of Opportunities

South Dakota is truly a unique and diverse state. From its rolling plains to the Black Hills, there’s something here for everyone to explore. Despite being one of the least populous states in the nation, South Dakota has an incredibly vibrant economy with plenty of opportunities for employment.

We have a great transportation network that easily connects our cities and towns, as well as some of the best recreational activities anywhere. On top of all this, South Dakota boasts an impressive array of historical sites that give visitors insight into what life was like during different eras.

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