President Donald Trump

President Donald J. Trump
Donald Trump has so far been one of the most controversial presidents of the 21st Century.

Frequently Asked Questions About Donald J. Trump

When was Donald Trump born?

Donald Trump was born in 1946.

Where was Donald Trump born?

Donald Trump was born in Queens, New York City.

How old was Donald Trump when he became president?

Donald Trump became president at the age of 70.

What years was Donald Trump president?

Donald Trump was president from 2017 – 2021.

Donald Trump – Not a ‘Normal’ President

Writing a chronology or standard biography of Donald J Trump as president of the United States isn’t easy. Nothing about this era in American political history is normal. Trump is still a divisive figure that many critics agree rewrote the rulebook on being president.

His presidency story is far from over as the country deals with the aftermath. But, if we are going to tell the story so far, we have to start with the public figure in the media long before there was talk of a presidential race.

Donald Trump, the Reality TV Star

There is a sense that Donald J. Trump is a unique figure because he was so high-profile in the media and “celebrity” world. Ronald Reagan perhaps comes close as an actor-turned-politician. But, the media of the 1980s had nothing on that of the 2000s and 2010s. Trump was a star on reality TV and a well-known business tycoon.

Trump disembarking Air Force One
Donald Trump was in the media spotlight for many years before his election victory.

President Trump always had at least one foot in the spotlight, and the Trump name was big business – even if many of his business ventures, such as the Trump Foundation, would go on to fail. Instead, he became a household name on The Apprentice and earned a star on the Walk of Fame.

Donald J. Trump’s Previous Political Experience

Usually, we would talk about the political experience before taking office. This generally means their journey through the ranks and the different houses to catch the eye of their chosen party and finally earn the nomination. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for Donald Trump. He was nominated without experience besides putting his name on an earlier ballot.

Trump’s name has been associated with politics since 2000. He ran in the California and Michigan primaries for the Reform Party but withdrew.

Trump’s Political Affiliation

This raises an important point about President Donald J Trump and his political affiliation. There is the assumption that the right-wing ideas and rhetoric of the presidency make him a true Republican.

baseball cap
Make America Great Again was the mantra of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign.

But, there is also the idea that he chose to run for the Republicans because it was his easiest option. He registered with them in 1987 but aligned himself with the Independence Party, Reform Party, and Democrats before switching back.

He was put forward as a Republican candidate against the Democrat Hillary Clinton, leading to an explosive campaign. Trump claimed he would Make America Great Again – a slogan that made its way onto posters and hats for years to come. The victory shocked many, and America began its next chapter with President Trump.

Key Beliefs and Policies Driving the Trump Administration

As with any new president, there will be a shift in direction and attitude based on the beliefs of the party, the man, and the campaign promises that got them into power.

With Donald J. Trump, there was a heavy influence on the economy and improving the fortunes of American workers, and a need to control the borders and protect the nation from threats from Mexico and the Middle East.

Mexico, Immigration, and the Wall

The wall will act as one of the key symbols of the Trump presidency because it was so influential from start to finish. A big part of the campaign for his election focused on building a wall to control the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. 

Further claims about the characters of these Mexican immigrants and that Mexico would pay for the wall fired up tensions and led to accusations of racism and xenophobia. As a result, the wall was built slowly across the border, and greater controls were set up.

Detainment camps for those coming into the country held families seeking refuge from other nations in South America. This led to further questions about inhumane treatment.

Terrorism, Isis, and Islamaphobia

One of Trump’s most significant claims to victory is that he defeated ISIS. In 2019, the ISIS leader killed himself during an operation by US special forces. This was a significant moment in America’s war on foreign terror threats.

Another critical moment in Trump’s attempts to protect the US from terrorism was Executive Order 13769. Although it has the official name of Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, it became better known as either the Muslim Ban or Travel Ban, depending on which side you were on.

The order led to the suspension of entry of Syrian refugees and imposed additional restrictions on those from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen.

Trump and Climate Change

Climate change was an ongoing topic of concern during the Trump presidency as the US dealt with more extreme weather and wildfires. During the presidency, Trump came out questioning the science of climate change and would withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement. 

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Trump has openly questioned the science behind climate change.

However, it appears that he has since revised his views on leaving office, which plays into the idea that he goes along with what will give him the most support at the time.

Trump’s Relationship With the American People and the Media

When talking about Trump’s time in the White House, there are almost two sides of the man to discuss. First, the president calls the shots and leads from the oval office, and then there is the public figure. 

So, on the one hand, you have a man making bold statements and signing laws with a strong focus on the American economy and foreign relations. But, on the other, you have the man fixated on using Twitter to communicate with his followers and using photo ops wherever possible.

Twitter and social media became a massive part of the Trump presidency. He used the platform to express his feelings about certain events, effectively giving his short posts as much weight as any press briefing from the White House.

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President Trump was a prolific tweeter prior to his account being suspended.

However, the relationship with the media deteriorated over those four years with cries of “fake news.” The fake news phenomenon struck a chord with supporters who felt they were being lied to by biased mainstream media.

Eventually, Trump’s relationship with Twitter would sour further with warnings about incorrect statements in the wake of the 2020 election, and finally, his account was suspended.

Trump’s Need for a Strong Public Persona Continued With Handling the COVID Crisis

Another event that will play a big part in Donald J. Trump’s legacy is the Covid pandemic. At the time of writing, we can’t talk about figures and the full impact of the situation as it is still ongoing. President Biden is now in charge of handling measures and vaccination attempts. But, we can discuss Trump’s efforts and handling of the situation.

Critics say he could have done more to handle the situation with stronger lockdowns and border controls. Others are supportive and say he went just far enough not to destroy the economy. There are also questions about his use of the phrase “China Virus” and other xenophobia.

Trump contracted Covid himself and required treatment in a hospital, where he proceeded to engage with questionable media opportunities to show he was far healthier than he perhaps truly was.

Trump’s Relationship With the Rest of the World

While there is so much to dissect within this single term of domestic policy, there are also many events and situations within foreign affairs. From the start, Trump was keen to appear as a strong leader and dominant figure.

Artist's impression of G20 meeting
Trump at G20.

Trump’s ego and inexperience as a world leader also became evident during state visits and conventions. Images of Trump pushing the Prime Minister of Montenegro out of the way at the G20 and the German chancellor shouting in his face stand out. 

In addition, state visits, such as those to the UK, weren’t always well received, especially when the president was seen walking ahead of the Queen.

Trump’s Relationship With North Korea and Russia

One of the most interesting relationships during this time was between the US and North Korea. At times, Trump seemed highly forceful and prepared to go to war with them – giving the “fire and fury” speech. Then there was the infamous letter from Kim Jong-Un and the trip to shake hands over the border between North and South Korea.

Then, questions were raised over Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election. Trump also seemed surprisingly supportive of Putin, lifting sanctions, supporting Russia’s return to the G7, and staying quiet on certain disputes. 

Donald Trump would pardon five people convicted as part of investigations into Russian interference. Whether or not Russia was involved, Trump would later deal with similar accusations with more profound consequences.

The First Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

First of all, we can’t overlook the significance of this was the first of two impeachments. Presidential impeachment processes are rare, so to have two for one president is extraordinary. The first of these could have seen Trump removed from office. It all came about from allegations that Trump solicited Ukrainian authorities to influence the 2020 presidential election. 

There were charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Trump was acquitted and able to continue his term and seek re-election.

The Second Election of 2020

With the first impeachment trial done and out of the way. Trump was free to campaign for his second term and would do so against Joe Biden. But, again, the race wasn’t pretty, and the situation would become even more ugly on election night. 

The polls closed, votes were counted, and the Electoral College declared for Biden. Trump refused to concede and brought forward legal action to recount the votes and overturn what he saw as election fraud.

Understandably, many of his closest supporters were behind him and refused to acknowledge President-Elect Biden. As stated in the constitution, there is a period between the election and the inauguration, giving time for a smooth transition of power. There were fears that Trump would not comply with this, which escalated with the Capitol riot.

The Capitol Riots and the Second Impeachment Process

On January 6th, 2021, Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol weeks before the inauguration. Protestors had been gathering to support Trump and his claims of election fraud.

Donald Trump was accused of inciting a crowd to storm the Capitol.

Donald Trump had also been speaking at the “Save America” rally at the time. Crowds then stormed the building in a display of vandalism and public disorder, causing staff fears that they may try and destroy the ballots.

On January 13th, Donald J. Trump was impeached for a second time on charges of incitement of insurrection. It was claimed that his words at the “Save America” rally were a direct attempt to incite the mob to attack the Capitol. 

What is interesting about the process is that the impeachment trial proceeded even though Trump was no longer in power. He was once again acquitted as he was ten votes short of a guilty verdict in the Senate.

Trump’s Return to Mar-a-Lago and the Possibility of a Second Term

As things stand, we have no idea how this story will end. First, there is the possibility that Trump could run again for a second term. Trump boldly decided to take Air Force One to Mar-a-Lago at President Biden’s inauguration rather than stay to transfer power. 

Trump 2024
There is much speculation surrounding a potential Trump 2024 campaign.

He also declined to invite the Bidens for the usual tour of the White House. On leaving, he stated that he hoped he wouldn’t be gone for long, implying that there is still a plan to run again in 2024. Another matter is whether he would have enough support in the party for a nomination.

Thus, Donald J. Trump could become the second president to serve non-consecutive terms. But, of course, he may wait for the dust to settle a little down in Florida until then.

How Old Is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump is the 2nd oldest elected president, next to President Joe Biden. When Donald Trump became president, he was 70 years old. When Joe Biden became president, he was 78 years old.

Donald John Trump was born June 14, 1946, in Jamaica, Queens, New York.

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