New Jersey has recently updated and revised its gun laws. Despite a backlash from opponents, the Garden State has placed greater emphasis on gun safety and regulations surrounding owning a firearm.
New Jersey Firearms Laws
New Jersey is a shall-issue state for concealed weapons permits. These permits, which are issued at the local level – either by municipal police departments or New Jersey State Police – demonstrate that the state is taking measures to implement greater gun control.
To obtain a permit, applicants must first request approval from their local police chief and present their application to a superior court judge.
Purchasing a handgun in New Jersey requires understanding the relevant laws and a thorough knowledge of the process. Knowing what is needed and how to buy a handgun can help ensure you stay compliant with state law.
Requirements for Handgun Purchases in New Jersey
To legally purchase a handgun from a dealer or a private individual in New Jersey, you must have a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card (FPID) card and complete a background check by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) through a federally licensed firearms dealer.
It is important to note that purchases from private individuals must be made by and between two New Jersey residents rather than from out of state.
Once the purchase is completed, dealers or individuals must send copies of the permit to the New Jersey State Police Firearms Investigations Unit.
What About Ammunition?
An FPID card is also required to purchase handgun ammunition from gun dealers under New Jersey law.
In addition, certain types of ammunition are restricted in New Jersey, such as hollow point bullets or armor-piercing rounds.
Local licensed gun shops will be able to give more information on what ammunition they carry and their restrictions.
Open Carry
Open carry is not explicitly prohibited by New Jersey law, but it is important to note that a permit is required to carry a firearm.
Therefore, while it is technically legal to open carry, you must possess a valid permit.
For those who do not have a permit, carrying a firearm openly can lead to severe consequences.
Concealed Carry
If you wish to carry a concealed firearm, you must possess a valid New Jersey permit. Residents and non-residents of the state can obtain permits.
However, applicants must meet specific requirements before being eligible for a concealed carry permit.
Specifically, applicants must participate in an approved firearms training course and be at least 21 years old before applying for a concealed carry permit.
Regarding reciprocity with other states regarding permits, it should be noted that New Jersey does not honor any permits from other states.
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That means that if you are visiting from out of state with your concealed carry firearm, you will need to obtain special authorization from local law enforcement officials before carrying your weapon within the borders of New Jersey.
As one of the strictest states regarding gun legislation, understanding firearms ownership regulations in New Jersey is essential if you exercise your right as an American citizen to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution within this particular area of the country.
Whether you plan on open carrying or concealing your weapon or even just traveling through with it, all relevant regulations must be adhered to to ensure that all parties involved remain safe and compliant with local law enforcement officials during such activities involving firearms ownership inside this jurisdiction.