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What Is the Romeo and Juliet Law?

young couple at the beach

The age of consent in the United States varies by state, varying from sixteen to eighteen years. Age of consent laws are designed to ensure men and women go through puberty before they can engage in sexual activity.

Current California Gun Laws

Golden Gate Bridge

California’s current gun laws state that a person must be at least 21 years of age to purchase a gun. Although, a rifle or shotgun can be bought at the age of 18. 

What Is a Novation?

contract signing

If you’re new to the world of contracts and agreements, you might have heard of the term novation or the phrase “novating contracts.” So, what is a novation? Furthermore, what does it mean when you’re novating a contract?

Current Wyoming Abortion Laws

abortion rally

Wyoming law generally prohibits abortion at viability except when it is necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health. This means that an abortion cannot be performed after viability unless it is required for a pregnant woman’s physical or mental health.

What Is Anecdotal Evidence?

two women in conversation

Making an argument or a case is a challenging task. It requires critical and rational thinking, patience, and knowledge of fallacies to avoid them. Anecdotal evidence is one of the most common fallacies. But what is anecdotal evidence, exactly?

How To Copyright Something

music sheet displayed on tablet

A copyright is an exclusive right to an original piece of intellectual property. It’s a right that begins when the original work is fixed in one way or another. And it bestows upon the creator of the original work the right to reproduce, distribute, and transfer copyright ownership to another.