After 2024’s Election: The Twists No One Saw Coming

A crowd gathers with colorful flags during a daytime outdoor event in front of a building with autumn trees in the background. A person photographs the scene.

The 2024 US Presidential Election reshaped America’s political landscape, but what does a Republican-controlled Congress mean? With President-elect Donald Trump ready to implement his agenda, critical issues like immigration, healthcare, and economic policy hang in the balance. The potential for Supreme Court appointments adds even greater stakes. How will these changes shape America’s future at home and abroad?

How to Contact the United States President

How to Contact the United States President.

There are several ways to contact the President of the United States: Write a letter: You can send a letter to President Trump at The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500. However, all mail is subject to security screening, and response times vary. Email: You can send a message to the White […]

The President Checklist: What It Requires to Run the Country

Presidential Seal

Anyone who has fulfilled certain requirements can run for office to be the United States President. The 4 Requirements Are: To be a natural-born US citizen. To be a minimum age of 35 years old. To have been a resident of the United States for 14 years. To not have been elected president twice or […]

What Is an Inaugural Address?

George W. Bush

Presidents of the United States deliver a plethora of speeches during their time in office. One of the most important of them all is the inaugural address. What is an inaugural address? What is the intention of the speech, why is it so significant, and how can the President be sure to get it right? 

Who Ran Against George Washington?

George Washington

George Washington is famous for being the first to take on the position of President of the United States. His accession to the role came after years of debate over how the United States should govern itself as an independent nation.