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Involuntary Servitude and the Constitution

Photo of a woman behind a wire fence

Slavery is a part of American history that is often analyzed to learn what made the relations between different races so different more than 150 years ago. We rightfully treat it as something archaic and with no place in modern life. But, there is a difference between slavery and involuntary servitude.

The Right to Privacy in the Constitution

Photo of CCTV cameras

Privacy is a right we all hold dear in many forms. We want to know that we have the right to privacy within our own homes and can live our lifestyles in the way we choose. We also want to be sure that companies and medics aren’t going to share confidential information with third parties.

What Enumerated and Unenumerated Rights Does an American Have?

American flag

Enumerated vs Unenumerated Rights In the United States, enumerated rights are written down in the constitution, especially in the first eight amendments. People in the United States also have unenumerated rights, which are not written down in the constitution but are still legally relevant. The Supreme Court makes decisions based on unwritten rights and what […]

What Is the 3/5 Compromise?

3/5 Compromise

The 3/5 compromise determined that three out of every five slaves were counted when establishing a state’s total population. The total population count was in turn used to determine taxation and representation.

What Amendment Includes the Freedom of Speech?

US Constitution

Freedom of Speech and the Constitution Freedom of Speech is one of the five freedoms protected by the First Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights. These freedoms include free speech, religious freedom, free press, freedom of assembly, and government petitioning. These freedoms are some of the foundational principles of the United States. When Was the Bill of Rights Written […]