Presidents that Encouraged the United States to Practice Isolationism

Painting of United States President George Washington

Isolationism refers to a government policy of not engaging in any role in the affairs of other nations. The policy of isolationism, which might be officially acknowledged by a government or not, is featured by the refusal or reluctance to engage in alliances, treaties, trade commitments, and various international agreements.

The Chief Justice: A Key Player in the Courts

Photo of the US Supreme Court building

The Supreme Court is at the top of the judicial food chain in the United States. It has the authority to review any case that involves federal law originating from either federal or state courts. This gives it a broad range of power when it comes to deciding the outcomes of various legal disputes. It […]

What Presidents Have Been on Coins?

Photo of US quarter and penny

Presidents on Standard Coins Many coins used in the United States have pictures of former presidents on their faces. Five former US presidents are found on standard coins.  The Penny: Abraham Lincoln In 1909, Abraham Lincoln was added to the front of the penny, the one-cent coin. The first pennies with Lincoln on them came […]

How Much Does the US President Make?

Photo of US Dollar note

Presidential Earnings The pay for Presidents of the United States has changed a handful of times since George Washington was in office until the present day. There hasn’t been an increase in pay since 2001. Presidents in office haven’t complained about the money they make. They want to make a difference in this leadership role. […]

What is Presidents’ Day?

Photo of Mount Rushmore

Largely enjoyed and celebrated by everyone, very few people know what makes this holiday so important for the United States. A Day To Honor America’s Presidents If you talk to people about what they know about Presidents Day, most will likely comment on how much they enjoy having the extra Monday off and that it’s […]

US Presidents that Never Served in the Military

US soldiers in action with US flag in background

It might be easy to assume that the President in the US must have previously served in the military due to the title of commander in chief. However, the reality is that military service isn’t a requirement for holding the highest office in the United States. Therefore, a significantly large number of American Presidents did not serve in any capacity.