What is the Trump Foundation?

Trump Foundation description.

Explaining the Trump Foundation The Trump Foundation is the name commonly used when referring to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a tax-exempt private foundation established by former president Donald Trump in 1988. He created this foundation as a means to collect and handle the royalties from his popular book Trump: The Art of the Deal […]

Read the Text of Trump’s Impeachment Letter to Pelosi

US Constitution

Related resources to Donald J. Trump: The following text is taken directly from President Donald Trump’s letter to the Speaker of the House – Nancy Pelosi. Click here if you prefer to read a PDF version of Trump’s letter. Dear Madam Speaker: I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan […]

President Donald Trump

President Donald J. Trump

Writing a chronology or standard biography of Donald J Trump as president of the United States isn’t easy. Nothing about this era in American political history is normal. Trump is still a divisive figure that many critics agree rewrote the rulebook on being president.

Trump’s Letter to Pelosi PDF (Original)

US Constitution

First page of Trump’s letter to Pelosi on the eve of his impeachment vote Click here to read the text online of Trump’s letter to Pelosi On the eve of the impeachment vote for President Donald Trump, he sent a letter to the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi. Get Smarter on US News, History, […]