Why Does the Flag Have 50 Stars?
There is a star on the flag for every state in the United States. This means that the flag as we see it today represents the nation correctly and is also an ever-evolving symbol of the country. The flag has adapted a lot since the United States became independent. How has it evolved, what other forms has it taken, and could it ever change?
Who Was President During World War One?
Woodrow Wilson ran for president as someone that would keep the United States out of the war in Europe. He wanted to help other countries reach a peace deal, didn’t want American soldiers fighting, and wanted to keep America neutral.
Name One U.S. Territory
To pass the US citizenship test, you will have to answer 10 of a possible 100 questions. The following question is from the USCIS test. Name One U.S. Territory. Acceptable Answers: Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Guam The following is a full explanation of the USCIS question: The United States […]
Who Was President During the Great Depression and World War 2?
Franklin Roosevelt, who was the only president to serve more than two terms, was president during World War II and the depression. Roosevelt helped end the great depression and win the Second World War, but some of his economic decisions are still controversial. While most people have a high opinion of President Roosevelt, the age of higher government spending and income tax never really ended.
What Is the Rule of Law?
The rule of law is a concept with several key tenets that help ensure a fair, civil society. Under the rule of law, laws are publicly promulgated, enforced equally, and adjudicated independently. In other words, everyone understands laws, and everyone must follow them. The law binds people in positions of power and the government in the same way as normal citizens. No one is above the law.
We Elect a US Senator for How Many Years?
The United States Constitution has provided the foundation for the rule of law in America for nearly 250 years, proving itself as one of the world’s most successful constitutions. It employs a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful. The legislative branch is composed of a bicameral Congress, with a Senate and House of Representatives, and is delegated the highest number of responsibilities within the federal government.
Senators serve a six-year term, the longest term length established by the United States Constitution. They are categorized into separate classes, each comprising roughly one-third of the body, with a different class being elected every two years. With only one-third of members elected every national election, the turnover of the Senate is much less significant than the House, reflecting the Founding Fathers’ desire to provide steady, consistent leadership in this body.